Live Open Mic!
On Saturday September 25th I was invited to a real life open mic. A friend called and asked me if I wanted to join him at an outdoor open mic about 30 miles from my house. Of course I jumped at the chance to hear (and play for) other guitar geeks in my area that I likely have never met. Well, my friend arrived late and left early but I stayed for the entire event and even played 3 tunes for those left in attendance towards the end. A beautiful setting on a California canyon with an Easy-Up to shade the players from the bright sunshine and a P.A. so people could be heard. I met some great folks (including a pro player whom I later verified via YouTube had played with a national act some years ago) and had such a good time. They invited me back to play in a club setting(!) in a few weeks. I need to brush up my material first but I’ll probably do it! I NEVER would have done this if it weren’t for the VOMs and I thank all of you hosts and attendees for the boost!
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