My TAC routine – Agriffis
1.) How many days per week do you play?
I started in May of 2020 with the tac program. I really try to play 5 days a week with the daily challenges. If I can’t do it, usually due to getting in later from work, I try to catch up on the weekends. If that doesn’t work, I’ll catch up the following week and at least get my lessons in.
2.) What time of day do you play?
Between 4:30 and 6pm
3.) Where do you play?
I started out playing in my room above the garage, which is where all of my guitars and music equipment is stored. At some point last summer, the air went out upstairs due to a faulty part. I couldn’t keep my family of guitars up there in the heat so, we moved to my basement. I’ve been there ever since. It’s much more comfortable and my view of outside in the woods is better too.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
Guitar playing was getting few and far between. Maybe if some friends would come over and ask for a song or 2 or if I just had an inclination to play, I’d sit down and play some afternoons.
Since joining TAC:– I play almost 5 days a week consistently
– The strength and dexterity in my fingers is back and playing feels much like the days of old when I played all the time. That was in my 20’s. I’m in my 50’s now.
– I’ve always played with a pick. I’m actually learning to finger pick now thanks to the TAC lessons.
– I love, love, love getting to play up the neck and learning the scales from the TAC lessons. I feel like I’m getting the full aspect of the guitar now. Many thanks!
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
This is going to sound horrible, but for me, since it’s after work, I’ve got to have a beer! The bar is in my basement and my sister gave me a neon guitar light 2 years ago for Christmas. I have to turn that thing on and it alternates colors the whole time I’m playing! I don’t know…it just works for me!
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