Noticing the Progress II
I felt a bit discouraged with my “Sit and Reach” attempts on Thursday. I have been playing a baritone ukulele for the last ten years. (I had a problem with my left wrist and was concerned with issues of reaching the Low E and A strings.) The nice thing about the baritone is that it is tuned DGBE like the 4 high strings on the guitar and the fingers PIMA neatly fit on four strings. The Sit-and-Reach forced me out of my comfort zone. And the “Rope Climb” had my middle finger a bit raw. Anyway, I stubbled over this Thursday and Friday.
Small Win #1 – I realized playing a coworker’s unused guitar at work can be problematic. It has high action and doing the Rope Climb and sliding the middle finger on it put quite a groove in it. I realized that the lender is good for chord strumming but heavy slide work it not good.
Small Win #2 – Although I was a bit bummed about S&R on Thursday and Friday, I feel some progress on Saturday. The middle finger has has got some rest and I’m playing my own guitar. AND, I know that when I hit a roadblock to back up a bit, slow down and simplify, and trust in MM (Muscle Memory).
I have been looking for a method like TAC for a while. I love the full service of explanation, videos, adjustable practice speeds. I would like to know if it is possible to go back to any Daily Challenge and practice along with the video? SO far I have not find the route backwards to do so. I only have the tab.
Thanks Tony.
Jeff in California. 🤠
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