Saddle and basic setup
I have a hankering to learn classical guitar so I got a goodwill auction Yamaha CG-110SA for a little more than $50
It came with a chopstick as a saddle, so I order some bone saddle blanks from amazon, and with some sandpaper and files cut, shaped and setup the saddle.
The guitar now is playable and sounds good. It still needs some work, but I am going to let it acclimatize to it’s new home for a month before I do more. I am going to level and re-crown the frets next. If you take it slow, reach out for advice when you need it and read info that is free on the interwebs, it isn’t that scary to do this stuff….. on a cheaply purchased goodwill guitar anyway. And it is kind of fun too!
Moral of the story… buy a cheap guitar and try to fix it. learn some good skills in the process.
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