Something besides “Get Unstuck”
At every level, no matter if you are expert or beginner, it seems we are all here for the same purpose -learning- guitar. A very important part of that is– the advice, hints, tips, help, etc, that comes from those farther along the path than you,
If a person simply has a general question about a particular thing- (maybe hand or finger movement, or pick accuracy, or rhythm- there a probably hundreds if issues)- and may be just looking for a quick tip or piece of advice, that —doesn’t— mean they are “stuck”, or need anything like “Get Unstuck”.
PLEASE restore some kind of “area” where simple questions can be posted— this helps members a LOT– while still keeping the Forum’s focus on– learning– guitar. Remember: Learning— at its core– is about sharing info, hints, advice, etc👍.
Proactive sharing of help and advice would in fact help keep folks from GETTING “stuck” in the first place.
If EVERYTHING is lumped into a huge catch-all named “Getting Unstuck”- then there won’t be any easy way to separate-out things. It’ll be too big and broad.
However— Congrats on the new website!!- It is really awesome! I sincerely don’t want to appear like a complainer or troublemaker- I just hope there is enough of an open mind to adapt in some ways to the many suggestions that come from those who the Forum is actually designed to serve and help.
Read my posts over the last few months- I have made many, many— many— comments on how important, fun, and helpful the Forum Community is , especially welcoming new-(er)-people who have joined after myself. I have have received much help and “met” great friends here! It really is one of the cornerstones of the TAC program!
I hope the “old” Forum’s friendly, familiar, helpful, “easy”, feeling isn’t gone for good, that they haven’t “thrown the baby out with the bathwater?………
Not complaining, but honestly– a bit concerned😧-
Mark J
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