The Fast and the Hairy (TFATH) slight return 3
One year ago, on March 24, 2020, here in Québec, Covid-19 forces everybody to confinement for 21 days. At the time I made a post indicating that I would do a little challenge of posting a song every day for 21 consecutive days. @DavidScoggins, far away from Shanghai, saw my post and offered to join me in the challenge. So we did it under the moniker of “The Fast and the Hairy” (“hairy” being quite obvious, “fast” not really). It was a real success with many fans following us. At the end of the 21 days, we gave six of our most loyal fans (@Brian_P @JulieI @Marty69 @Stevep @Jon @Dan D# ) the chance to ask us to do a song of their choice. It was then that David left TAC for a while. So I found myself alone to honor the special requests. At the time I made the ones that were addressed to me, thinking of doing those of David’s later on. But summer came, the VOM’s started and I finally put the remaining songs aside. But now David has returned to TAC. He asked me if I was up for a possible return of TFATH. I accepted but I reminded him that we first had a job to complete, that is to say to complete the special requests that had been asked of us. As David is very busy with his work, I offered him to do half of his special requests. So, first, I will re-post “my” requests, then we will follow-up with David’s ones, This week it will be @julieI ‘s request, “Pour un Instant”. A song by the band “Harmonium” that was very popular here un Québec in the ’70’s.
Here’s the original
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