Wanna be to Guitar Player to Pro Focus
My super huge small win is that I have a website that actually incorporates the philosophy I learned from Tony Polecastro on his old website, TAC. My guitar journey had already gotten off the ground, but now it’s gonna take off like a rocket. So I wanted to share this thank you I wrote to Tony and Levi.
You guys are my heroes. I always wanted to be a guitar player, and I tried to be a guitar player for 20 years. I never made it on my own. You two made me a guitar player, and for that I am really grateful to you. But that did not make you my heroes.
I got a thing for bravery. I don’t look down on anyone for being cowardly. Sometimes, we are all give in to fear. But I love when someone takes a deep breath and faces danger because it’s the right thing to do. It’s not about not being scared; it’s about doing something even though you are scared.
When I joined TAC almost 3 years ago, I was really impressed with the “philosophy”. And I could see that TAC supported the “philosophy”, but I had to learn the “philosophy” and apply it myself. I was a little disappointed that TAC didn’t do more to help me apply the “philosophy” they were trying to sell. But hey, I was old enough to realize I had to take responsibility for myself. And I got a ton of help from the community to understand and apply the “philosophy”.
Obviously, I’m not telling you guys anything new. You realized that your “philosophy” that you were selling wasn’t built into the website you had. You realized you really “should” make that happen. Oh well, that’s just asking too much… way too much. Change is just too hard to swallow and you already had too many members and people had lifetime memberships and not everyone would understand and maybe it can’t be done and look at how much our members are being benefited already and… on, and on, and on. So, I just want to say, I can forgive you for not doing the near impossible and changing your website to incorporate that amazing philosophy you had about learning guitar.
“But wait… what do I see?… is she coming back… to me?” One of my favorite songs because it’s not realistic. I get reality all the time, so if your gonna entertain me, give me the dream. But this isn’t a dream. This is real. You two, Tony and Levi, with this huge membership, knowing full well how much turmoil this would cause, you changed your website to incorporate your guitar philosophy. You did the right thing no matter how scary it was. No matter how many people might not understand. You knew this new website with your guitar teaching philosophy incorporated right into it, would help more people get even more out of their guitar journeys. And you knew that people needed some encouragement more than ever in this crazy world. And you did it.
And that’s why you are my heroes. 😍
Mike-Gaurnier 😎
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