When a budding Guitarist wants music to play.
Recently I posted my success in meeting a 2021 goal, and sought suggestions (somewhere) on what to do in 2022. Then knee surgery intervened, and packing for a trip, and, well, I have not responded. Even though there were numerous amazing suggestions that would push my learning to limits that I need to be pushed toward. What to Do? What to Do??
It is still December 31, 2021 (31/12/21 for you Brits) here, and I know that for some of you that is no longer true, but here is my goal for my next year.
I will learn, and play, live or recorded and posted, at least 2 times per month, a song suggested as a desired listen by those who are willing to make such suggestions. Goal for 2022, 24 (or more) songs requested by my family, friends, fellow Guitar Geeks, strangers met in airports, etc.
So my friends, feel free to ask away (or not, ’cause I know that many or most of you can do it better). For me, If ever we get to meet, live, there will be an instant discussion starter, and a Jam waiting to happen.
Thanks for listening. And I wish you and yours a Very Happy New Year.
T.J. AttyTJ
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