100 Days of Play!
Well Technically it was yesterday, but I missed 1 login day when the site changed over.
The learning system and the community support have been off the charts great for me. Looking back at the first thing I recorded after joining to where I am now I can see the growth in many fundamental areas of my playing, not even considering that I couldn’t use a pick at all when I joined. My Rhythm and timing is more steady, my song repertoire is deeper and more diverse and I have made some amazing connections with other guitarists through TAC. I have got to have the chance to receive advice and encouragement when I struggled, participate in open mic nights (A thing I NEVER did before either virtually or in person), and have learned and been inspired so much by the community here.
Even when I am well beyond what lessons are offered here (maybe some day) TAC will forever remain a terrific resource to continue to learn and grow, just through the motivation to practice daily. My goals may change, but the system will remain the same.
I am grateful for the TAC system and the wonderful community of positive helpful guitar geeks found only here!
Thank you all for helping me get back in the saddle with my fingers on the strings!
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