Found some easy songs to play
I dived into the strumming jumpstart this week and it got me inspired to look for songs to play. I’ve been struggling to find songs that hit the sweet spot: something familiar, something I like, and something I can actually play. There are so many conditions to the last one: no bar chords, no incredibly complicated strumming patterns (yes I’m looking at you, wanderwall…), and not simplified beyond the point of recognition. And then, I stumbled upon this: https://www.guitarlessons.com/guitar-lessons/guitar-lessons-for-beginners/8-songs-with-4-chords
I haven’t explored all the songs yet, but at least 2 of them were good enough to jam along with the song playing on spotify. I’m far from nailing it, but I was having fun and that was a rare occurence in the past couple of weeks. So long story short: the small win is having fun again.
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