Living the Dream!
When grandson #2 comes into the music/study room, i ask him to say “Scrubbing Bubbles” fast 5 times. He did it with no problems, several times to show off a little.
He ask why and i hand him the guitar tab we printed out. He gits the guitar and sets down and starts flat pick-n the notes, which was pretty amazing. Then he stops looks at the tabs and ask about pick direction. i sed, It’s finger pick-n week @ TAC. His reply was, OH! His guitar teacher hadn’t taught him that yet.
We watched the lesson, again, he got his finger assignments watching Tony, we helped fer a few minutes… and he was going up and down the fret board within ten minutes not even looking at strings, fret board or the tabs.
WE *love* this D tuning… R have-n sooooo much FUN!!!
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