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  • Making & posting my first video

    Posted by the-old-coach on April 21, 2022 at 10:48 am

    First off– I’ll say it upfront– I’m looking for the easy way out.

    I haven’t really delved into making any kind of video, except maybe glossing-over some instructions here in TAC. Even they- (no doubt simple to most of you)- left me so lost, I didn’t even understand the directions– let alone the “process”.

    I have a laptop and an old flip-phone. I know how to post in here, do all the e-mail stuff, and surf the web in general. That’s where I’m at computer-smarts-wise.

    When I started reading about having to “set up a YouTube account with Google so I could click on the camera icon in my URL web-brouser main menu😜”, I hit a bunch of “X”‘s, and went back into TAC…defeated and deflated.

    I realize I just need to spend more time on this- but I was just hoping someone would throw me a bone, and explain it in “dumb-guy language”. You can see where I’m at on the computer-stuff knowledge ladder, from earlier parts of this post- (again–😜).

    My 13-year-old granddaughter lives too far away to come and show me….

    I want to post what I’ve been able to accomplish here in TAC- (since January last year)- and also make “improvement/comparison” videos moving forward. Pretty proud of what I’ve done guitar-wise….. and now you know why I talk a lot, but don’t post a video now & then to prove it.

    Any responses— please keep them VERY simple. REALLY dumb it down. Thanks in advance.

    the old coach

    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  the-old-coach. Reason: spelling
    mikelynch replied 2 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • N-lightMike

    April 21, 2022 at 2:42 pm

    So, no smart phone, Mark? The laptop can do it because it has both camera and mic, but I’m not experienced with that. I’ll have to experiment with my own laptop. Hopefully, someone who has already done it will come by.

    MG 😀

    • the-old-coach

      April 21, 2022 at 10:59 pm


      No smart phone- (that can’t really surprise you, right?🙃). And I’m OK with that.

      That stuff all reminds me of when “really cool” calculators came out back in the early 70’s….. 20-some functions and no one knew how to use more than the add, subtract, multiply, and divide… but damn, there were cool because there were 20 more things they COULD do!

      I asked my wife to help with this, and she said she would, but she’s the person who would do it FOR me when I wanted to make and post a video. I want to be able to make & post videos just on my own.

      I’ll get it figured out — likely thru a bunch of trial & error. I was just hoping someone would poke their head in, and explain it in easy-er terms.

      Thanks for replying- glad to hear from you.


  • SoCal_Ian

    April 22, 2022 at 3:54 pm

    Yes, you have to create an account and a channel to post videos. You can make it “private” so only invited people (allegedly) will be able to see it.

    Personally I like instructions from WikiHow as it shows pictures of a step-by-step for whatever you’re trying to learn. Here’s the one for you @the-old-coach : https://www.wikihow.com/Upload-a-Video-to-YouTube

    If you’re more of a learn from video person then here’s another you can try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT9ScMAe5yQ

    Good luck!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  SoCal_Ian.

  • Moonhare

    April 23, 2022 at 1:02 am

    As Mike said at the most simple level a laptop should have a camera and mic which will be enough to make a basic video of you playing but you will need some form of software/app on there to actually make the recording happen. There will be a learning curve here but assuming you are using a pc laptop then you will already have an app called Camera that can use your in built camera and mic to record. Here is a guide to that process that may help.


    Obviously there are better ways to do this but the level of complexity steps up rather rapidly and you are better off learning the basics first then maybe if you get familiar with that, stepping up to the next level will not feel so daunting.

  • Loraine

    April 23, 2022 at 6:56 am

    @the-old-coach I completely understand being overwhelmed with trying to navigate YouTube and to set up account. I tend to just start clicking on things until I get it right. That being said, I was able to successfully set up a YouTube account and have successfully shared videos. I’d be happy to do a video Zoom session with you if that would help. If interested, please send me a private message with your availability and I’ll set up the Zoom video call.

  • the-old-coach

    April 23, 2022 at 11:53 am

    Short update. (well. short for me.)

    First off- THANK YOU all, for all the help and advice!

    I don’t know if anyone else is “weird” about making videos and posting them here in TAC, but it’s always been that way for me- maybe my trials and tribulations will help others.

    Anyway, I got the camera and recording figured-out- (using my laptop)- sort-of.

    I hope to find a way to edit-out PARTS of a video clip while leaving the rest of it alone. Or— maybe putting two or more short sections of different videos TOGETHER into one video. Any advice out there? Being able to do those things would be a big help!

    I haven’t had the time to watch any of the videos you all sent to me- (time constraints)- but I will indeed get to those.

    With your help, and some trial & error, I’ll get this figured out.

    Maybe others are “watching along”, and all this will help them, too.

    Thru the dozen or so experimental videos, I found that having the camera ON made me feel like I needed to be EXTRA careful about smooth movement between chords, and also focus on CLEAR notes within the chords.

    I liked that part- it pushed me to be even MORE careful and accurate than normal. Good stuff.

    Thanks again for all help.

    the old coach

    • Moonhare

      April 23, 2022 at 3:38 pm

      Hi there. Yes combining clips or editing out sections is a straightforward task in any video editor. However I suspect my editor would be way over the top for what you need. @mikeguarnier did mention a good free video editor in another forum we are both on. Can’t remember what it is but perhaps he can assist? Also you can edit out bits of a video on YouTube itself but personally I would only use this as a last resort. Better to get it right before you upload it. I could demonstrate how I do video editing on a zoom call or via a youtube video if you just wanted an idea how it works. Darren (Moonhare)

  • the-old-coach

    April 26, 2022 at 2:01 pm

    Update if anybody’s interested.

    Got my test-videos made (3). All good there.

    Got my YouTube account all set up, and got my videos over to my “My Channel”– within YouTube. All good there, too– (I think!).

    Now—- I just canNOT figure out how to get them from YouTube into TAC’s “Play For Us” section here in the Forum. I have watched most of the suggestion/videos and still can’t get this last part done.

    It’s been a TON of trial & error so far for me- all this video/Youtube/TAC. The buttons they say to “simply click on……”, I can’t find, to get them to move- (or copy I guess)-to TAC.

    This is maybe the easiest part to you-all who are good at this stuff. As for me- I never was good at it! I’m at a dead-end.

    I must just be missing a step or a click or something. Don’t know how to “paste” or “copy” or “drag” from YouTube to TAC.

    Thanks for any (more) help!

    the old coach

  • Gramps

    April 26, 2022 at 5:31 pm

    Thanks for posting this, coach. I’ve been sweating tackling this for some time now and I think it’s really cool that you’re almost through the process after being so overwhelmed in the beginning. When I’m really ready I’ll reach out to you and maybe you can walk me through it…

  • mikelynch

    April 26, 2022 at 8:58 pm

    You’re pretty much got it done now. I remember it took a lot of clicking around and reading just to set up the YouTube channel.

    I went to my channel and refreshed my memory about it. I went through the steps to find the URL – the YouTube address of a video. I did these steps on my Windows PC. I am connected to my channel and to TAC so I can easily paste from one to the other. I hope it helps.

    Go to your YouTube channel.

    Go to YouTube Studio and click on the Content icon. (under ID picture on the left side)

    Find your uploaded video and move your mouse over it.

    Click on the Details icon that pops up ( looks like a pencil).

    A Video Link to your uploaded video will appear on the details page.

    Copy the link (right mouse while over link – – – select copy from popup menu (in Windows) )

    You can paste the link directly into any TAC discussion or post.

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