Reflection on my three years in TAC
My win today is that I am starting to see the ten or so songs I have written– actually feel like they’re “coming together”. It’s POURING all day here, and I had a good, long session today. I’ve made LOTS of changes to these tunes as I hear new things and want to add them in. Fun stuff! I also had time to just THINK about things a bit.
I would not be able to do that changing/experimenting stuff without the knowledge I gained from TAC, and I owe great thanks.
Not to mention all of the friendships, GREAT advice, confidence, help-when-I-needed-it, and “get-back-in-the-game” encouragement— from all of the great PEOPLE here in the Forum! To you all, I owe even greater thanks.
It was a great three years…… a good run, indeed…..😍😎
Merry Christmas to all of you reading this— Good fun, good guitar-playing-and-learning, and good health to you all!
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