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slow mind
Posted by Kal on April 16, 2021 at 5:43 pmI was going through a succession of chords in my mind and noticed that the speed I could conjure through the next transition was/is about the time it takes to actually change on the fretboard. If the brain speeds up, will the transitions?
punder replied 3 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
Too funny – I just commented to someone that it’s like my brain pauses, so my fretting hand pauses too. I truly believe that if I could speed up my brain, then my transitions would improve. I walk slow, speak slow, think slow, and I play guitar slow – LOL
Couldn’t resist the title. From my limited experience, my fretting hand is on-board before my brain. “Just don’t think”. Sorry Mate
@ukulelebug , this is true. Once you have to slow down to think, it seems harder. Let your hands do the remembering if possible.
As @ukulelebug mentions, with practice at some point your hands will know what to do. You will no longer have to think about it. You will just think C (not even the shape of it, just C or even just the sound of it) and your hands will go there. It takes time and repetition to get there. Making those reputations slow and accurate until that happens is preferable to fast and sloppy. Accuracy First tone second, rythm third … Then speed
Thanx, everybody. I’ll just let the process do what it does, in it’s own timing.
Seems utterly obvious, but it surprised me when it actually happened… if you practice the same thing every day (for me right now, it’s mostly Forked Deer), you WILL get faster. Guaranteed. It is MAGIC.
Yeah, I can be slow on the uptake. You can “know” something intellectually, and still not get it until reality thumps you on the forehead.
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