SNL is “Stylin'”- Crooked Little Man
The June 5 (wow, is it June, already, seems like only yesterday we had nothing like this to do as we isolated at home) TAC SNL VOM asked us to describe our Styles. I took away that until there is a “style” defined as “I have to like it and want to play it,” most of us have trouble categorizing ourselves. But, from what I have posted over the last year plus, it is pretty clear I am a folk musician. (Appologies to those who write and play the music that has defined my generation.)
In 1962, this song sort of was all over the radio (especially in Colorado where it doesn’t really rain), and my mom would sing it as she cooked, or walked, or even played golf. She even bought the album when Trini Lopez released it. At that time, the 10 year old me had pretty much stopped my first attempt to learn Guitar, so I sang with her, but never learned it until College when it was a common song at the masses where I strummed some rhythm.
I know, too late to make a long story short, so: “The Crooked Little Man.”
Tech stuff- Guitar- Washburn D21 S/N, Mic- Samson G Track Pro, Video Edit with DaVinci Resolve 17.
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