Tony’s Acoustic Challenge – The New Way to Learn Guitar › Family Forums › Play for Us! › TAC Open Mic – May 15 2021 – Cocaine Habit Blues
TAC Open Mic – May 15 2021 – Cocaine Habit Blues
Posted by TimK1 on May 16, 2021 at 6:40 amHi folks…been a while since I’ve had the change to share anything. We’re in an extended lockdown here in the province of Ontario as our COVID case counts are still up and vaccinations are slowly getting up to speed. I won’t lie, it’s been getting to me and sapping a lot of energy…but I have been playing every day, just haven’t had the energy to perform/record.
Anyway, here’s the song I shared last night during the Saturday virtual open mic…an old timey blues tune attributed to the Memphis Jug Band called Cocaine Habit Blues. Keep in mind that this tune was from a time when cocaine was readily available and even used as an ingredient in Coca-Cola or prescribed by Dr’s?!
Hope you enjoy this!
TimK1 replied 3 years, 9 months ago 12 Members · 17 Replies -
17 Replies
@TimK1 your fingerpicking is A-1. I missed another VOM so I missed your performance. It was very well done.
I’m also in Ontario and can relate to your feelings resulting from the SAT order. I also play every day which helps me cope a bit better. Some days, like yesterday, I really didn’t feel like picking up my guitar but forced myself even if I was only going do 10 minutes. I ended up playing almost a hour…big win.
I can’t wait to get my 2nd jab and things (like local jams) can start happening again.
I can relate with you completely Tim. I’m ready to get back to real life and take some music to the world. Amazing how a pandemic makes us realize just how social we human creatures really are.
This is a fabulous performance, Tim , a real standout. I enjoyed the opportunity to hear it again, keep up the excellent work, and thanks for posting!
I am in agreement with all the comments on the great vocals and fingerpicking!!
Heart and prayers your way on the COVID front. Thanks again for sharing this tune!
Thanks very much @Tom000-18 …glad you enjoyed this.
And thanks for the COVID encouragement…need all the help I can get!
I am with you brother on the Covid thing. It’s kinda out of control here in Alberta with the highest case rates in North America. As the mayor of Calgary said, it’s twice as bad here as it is in India! Anyhow, case counts are starting to come down here finally and a little cocaine blues is just what I needed to hear. Love those old timey finger picked songs!
Greetings @EricBogo …so glad to hear from you. Thanks for taking a listen…glad you enjoyed it.
I haven’t resorted to a cocaine habit yet though there’s still time I suppose 😉
COVID numbers seem to be dropping hear in Ontario finally but the peak was pretty scary…made the 1st wave look like a walk in the park in comparison. Glad to hear numbers are starting to improve in AB too. Hope you and yours are all healthy!
Standing O. That is awesome. As a new TAC member you’ve set the bar really high. Thanks for posting.
Thank you @MonsieurX …glad you enjoyed this. Hope to hear some music from you when you feel you’re ready to share. TAC offers a very encouraging environment!
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