The Legend of The Golden Picks…
The Legend of The Golden Picks
A long long time ago, in a music store far far away……
There was a young clean shaven guitar geek named Tony, who posted awesome video guitar reviews on line for the music villa where he worked. One day he came across an ancient bedazzled guitar with a treasure map hidden inside. At the end of the map he found the buried treasure which was called TAC. Now, surrounded with fellow guitar geek Jedi’s, Tony distributed the treasured “Golden Pick Awards” to all who gathered at the Big Sky Jamboree those first 2 years. He always found something good and sweet to say to each person as they received their award- a genuine Golden Ultex Dunlop Pick. This is all ancient lore, but word has it that the original Bedazzled Esteban Guitar is displayed proudly at the current TAC HQ in Bozeman.
There hasn’t been a Golden Pick sighting since that 2nd year in Big Sky, but I have noticed that when I complete a daily challenge or a TAC lesson set, there is a pop up window that states how many golden picks you have, and there is a secret link that leads to some kind of geek trading post where you might be able to trade your golden picks for maybe some secret music theory nuggets or other rare valuables?
Best wishes to all TAC Geek Jedi’s. Enjoy your guitar journey and I wish you many many Golden Pick moments along the way!!!
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