TAC Family Forums

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  • Marty73

    June 10, 2021 at 10:35 am

    Hey @jeannettelouisek The best place to start would be the 30 Days to Play. It will set a good foundation to your guitar playing. 🧐🧙‍♂️😎

    • jeannettelouisek

      June 10, 2021 at 4:00 pm

      Thanks so much, Marty. I’m a little lost in here….

  • Crabby

    June 10, 2021 at 5:01 pm

    The 30 days to play is where I started. While much of it was somewhat basic for me, I got some great insights. Even if it is not new material for you, It is always good to review the fundamentals.

    Welcome to TAC

    • jeannettelouisek

      June 10, 2021 at 10:49 pm

      Thanks, Crabby! After the 30 days to play what would you suggest I try?

  • Bill_Brown

    June 11, 2021 at 5:45 am

    HI @jeannettelouisek , welcome to TAC👏👏👏 IMHO after the 30 Days to Play course, you should do the Next 6 Chords course and from there Choose one of the Jumpstart courses (I believe there are 3). From there , choose what ever course or 5 Day Challenge you like. At some point after all the above, you should look at the Foundations of Fretboard Navigation course and follow that up with Fretboard Wizard 👍 Enjoy your guitar journey🎸

    • jeannettelouisek

      June 11, 2021 at 6:19 pm

      Thanks, Bill, I’ll go explore later on today. The Jumpstart courses sound right up my alley.

  • Alisa

    June 11, 2021 at 6:25 am

    Welcome to TAC 🙂 Definitely start with the 30 days to play. The 30 is a suggestive number. It might take you longer, especially if you never played before, or if you’re more advanced it might take you less. It is divided into 4 sections (or weeks) that loop through the major themes: flatpicking, chords, fingerpicking, and scales/improvisation (I believe in that order). When you’re done with that, you can start jumping in on the daily challenges, where you’ll see those themes come back.

    A lot of people are advising to go to the “your next 6 chords” after the “30 days”. I’ll say, yes, but not as the only thing you play. Chords are tough, so the progress through that course will be slow, it is for me. Doing only chords is monotonous and tough on the fingertips. So I strongly suggest mixing fingerpicking and/or flatpicking into it. You can do that with the dailies, or with the jumpstart courses. You can start multiple courses at once and do chords on monday, flatpicking on Tuesday, fingerpicking on Wednesday, fretboard on Thursday, strumming on Friday etc… it is more in the spirit of this website to do something different every day. The progress in a single course is then slower, but you’ll have more fun exploring different styles of playing.

    Final word of advise: don’t get stuck on lessons until they’re perfect, progress is not linear. You can hit complete if you kind of got it, or feel yourself plateau, then move on to the next thing. You’ll automatically get better by playing every day, and you’ll progress faster by trying new stuff. You can go back to completed lessons after a month and will see you are better at it even if you didn’t practice that particular lesson the whole month!

    Good luck 🙂

    • jeannettelouisek

      June 11, 2021 at 6:22 pm


      Thank you for all the suggestions! I’ve been exploring the site and found I’d started in a weird place: The Daily Challenge. I started at the end of May and for the life of me can’t figure out how to get back to some of those challenges to practice. Thanks again!

      • Alisa

        June 12, 2021 at 9:22 am

        Hi @jeanettelouisek You touched on a sensitive point there 🙂 The challenges get renewed every month, and if you don’t “favorite” them, you can’t access them after the 1st. I joined on the last day of April and witnessed on May 1st an explosion of outraged comments in the forums because all of April’s challenges were suddenly unavailable. It’s a new thing they implemented here. Nobody knows why exactly. I think it’s partially the philosophy of concentrating on something new every day and partially attempting to protect the content as the community grows. The dailies are not a weird place to start per se. They are the main feature of this program. They have a weekly theme, and they build upon each other throughout the week, so it will make more sense to jump in on them on a Monday (when you’re ready).

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by  Alisa.
      • jeannettelouisek

        June 12, 2021 at 5:11 pm

        Ooooooh, so I’m not crazy. Okay, dang, I wish I had favorited some of those. I did find that if I go to my browser history and find the past challenge I can go back to it. I’ll see if I can favorite from there..Thanks for taking the time, I truly appreciate it!

      • Bill_Brown

        June 13, 2021 at 7:50 am

        Hi @jeannettelouisek and @Alisa , I just wanted to let you know that the Daily Challenges do “recycle” 😱. So in about a years time or sooner, you’ll start to see lessons that you’ve done before (it’s a great way to measure your progress). So maybe in December for example, you might see a week’s worth of challenges from last month, and another weeks worth of challenges from this month, within the December challenge list. So if you didn’t get to “favorite” a challenge, you’ll get a chance to do it in the future😎

      • Alisa

        June 13, 2021 at 9:30 am

        Thanks @Bill_Brown, I heard about that but haven’t been around long enough to see it.

      • Alisa

        June 13, 2021 at 9:28 am

        ha! I wonder if the site administrators know about this workaround. Way to put your computer geek hat on 😀I haven’t fell the need myself to go back to past challenges yet but good to know.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by  Alisa.
      • jeannettelouisek

        June 13, 2021 at 10:48 pm

        And the best part, you can favorite from there!

  • AttyTJ

    June 17, 2021 at 9:11 am

    Welcome to TAC, @jeannettelouisek , and trust us, your questions are not something to be thought of as anything but important. The Goal is to have fun learning this very complicated instrument. The 30 days to play gives you a glimpse, and possibly something that grabs you (and if that is true, search out the Skills courses on that topic).

    At some point, soon, you should check out the daily “challenges.” 10 minutes to go through each day, and longer if it is “fun” for you. These will introduce you to things you never considered, and may not want to pursue, but you are introduced. Over time, the skills you do each day will build and grow and some of it starts to be second nature. Example, 1 Friday a month is practice on “Accidental Chords” for the key of the month. Now, it is second nature that I know what I am going to be working on. And, I sometimes now hear them and see them in the songs, so I have a sense of accomplishment that I know why.

    Whenever you find something in the lessons or skills that you really like, push it, pull it, and work it into submission. Trust me, it will lead to others, and you confidence and skill will grow.

    Great to have you here along for the Journey.

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