July Progress Party (Replay)
Welcome to the Q3 2022 Guitar Progress Party replay! To make sure you don’t miss the next one, please add Wednesday, October 5th @ 11am Mountain Time to your calendar now. If you’ve never attended a 90-Day Progress Party, go here to see how it all works.
Downloads Mentioned in This Workshop
Wear Your TAC Gear in the Next Progress Party
What is the 90-Day Progress Party?
These Progress Parties happen at 11am Mountain Time on the first Wednesday of these months:
- January
- April
- July
- October
Why should you show up?
In the workshop, Tony will guide you through reflecting on your wins from the last 90 days and help you create your next 90-day goal. This is a major bonus to your TAC membership that’s designed to help you re-focus and get inspired by success stories from your fellow TAC Family – and share your own wins! You’ll also get the first look at TAC news and updates.
A replay will be available within a day or two of the live workshop, just click the “Progress Party Replays” link on the right of the Acoustic Tuesday show section of the website.
And here’s a tip! During the breakout session Tony will have a special discussion so even if you attended live you may want to view the replay to see what he discussed!
We hope to see you at the next live Progress Party!
Looking forward to more news on Fretboard Wizard. I didn’t manage to get onto the first one but lots of TAC members I’ve met over the past 18 months said they enjoyed it. Q4? Sounds like a Cristmas present ask to me!
I see that Lisa has it together. I was impressed to hear someone, though all she is doing, set a plan and execute. What a great interview.
Thanks for posting this replay, Tony. Walking through the Guitar Joirnal and hearing folks share their wins, their challenges and how they have ormplqn to overcome them is very helpful and encouraging.
Loud and clear in Pontypool, Ontario, Canada
Great 90 day progress party! I am grateful that it is recorded so I can attend (even if it’s a replay) Thank you, Tony and everyone who helps him on this site.
I agree and find the ability to review after the fact is lovely. I enjoy the interviews.