Another Covid Lockdown guitarist hits the 1st TACiversary!
Well it is my turn to turn 1 and what a year it has been. I was the typical guitar dabbler having learnt nothing new since my first year of playing guitar at the age of 14-15, picking up my guitar, playing a few cowboy chords, fingers hurt, put it down for 3-5 years, pick it up, change the strings, play a bit, fingers hurt….. you get the picture.
Now all that is a thing of the past. I have learnt new techniques (pull offs, string bends, slides etc.) and I have played 355 of the past 365 days. I simply cannot walk past the guitar without picking it up and playing. I am still at the start of my journey but for anyone that is a new TAC member I can tell you categorically that if you trust in the system, pick that guitar up for 10 minutes and try a daily challenge, remember to have fun above everything else and you will get better. There has been no epic Eureka moment during the last year but I have absorbed the guitar by simply playing it every day. The daily challenges, however imperfectly you play them, just work their way into your fingers by the sorcery of osmosis.
After 9 months I went back and tried out the 30 Day Challenge again. From just borderline getting through it I was able to play every one at 2x speed. I really could not believe it. So TRUST IN THE PROCESS – it is your friend in the guitar wilderness. You may not get why you are doing all this at the time but it’ll propel you to wonderful places.
Finally the most amazing thing that has come out of this is playing my first Virtual Open Mics in front of a group of friends I made through TAC. Your fellow TAC members are every much as important a part of this creative process as Tony himself. If I tried to list everyone who has helped me out this year I would inevitably miss someone and feel really bad about it. You guys know who you are. I am so blessed to have met you all through this forum so THANK YOU ALL. I will meet some of you UK based TAC members in May this year for a real life guitar session. I am honoured to have been invited because a year ago the thought of it would have been inconceivable.
Here’s to the next year which will be full of new discoveries (and a travel guitar on a motorbike!) Here’s a video of my journey through the first year which I hope will inspire those of you who are new to this. Onwards and upwards my friends! Darren (Moonhare) 🤟😎🎸
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