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Is there going to be- May Zoom Party
Posted by AttyTJ on April 30, 2021 at 7:26 amI expect I will find AT still in place on Tuesday, but is there going to be a May “Online Get Together”. Last month, it sounded like Zoom was to be the new normal, but I have not seen a link posted or e-Mailed for 5/5. Is there supposed to be one? (I was all ready to Zoom in with a Sombrero this month.)
dr_dave replied 3 years, 8 months ago 18 Members · 29 Replies -
29 Replies
That is an excellent question @AttyTJ !!! I was under the impression that since TAC went to the new system, that the monthly live party will be no more. Instead, it will just be the quarterly progress meeting that will carry on. I say again, I was under the impression – so nothing absolute in my words. I for one, would like it if TAC were to continue with the monthly live party – Zoom, or the old way.
I would like to have the monthly zooms, too, with the link conspicuously posted on the new lame website.
It’ s been rough to stay connected lately (temporary life gets in the way challenges) but I really looked forward to both Accoustic Tuesday (how do you get to Accoustic Tuesday from the new site…I know I can search out-side the site) and the Weds Monthly meetings even if I caught the replay. Not feeling this as progress.
Yes things are unusual. I noticed that the Monday and Thursday emails have stopped. At least for me I didn’t get the usual pick me up email from Tony today and I don’t believe I got one last thursday either. So really curious, about what is going on with TAC…’s been really quiet
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
Markb. Reason: spelling
I did receive my emails, but no party notice, as @Christopher_H noted…
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
I did get my usual Monday email from Tony, but no mention of a May party either.
I got the Monday email but lots of the communication from TAC goes to my spam folder. Check there
Based on other communication, it is clear the “parties” will be quarterly, so the next one is in July. I also noted in the latest AT that the dartboard is no longer menacing the line of guitars under where it used to be.
I was dealing with Admin other than Levi on something else, but the topic of quarterly came up i passing.
I remember on the April Quarterly party Tony did mention that there would be a get together on May 5…and I have never received any regular emails. I guess I need to contact someone in support and get that taken care of!
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
I’ve been a TAC member for just over a year and really enjoyed it for about the first 8-9 months. I enjoyed it so much I went back and watched every AT episode from day one. They were great but, I have to admit that since last fall, it just hasn’t been what it once was. Even worse, is the past couple months, communication has been terrible. Announcing the Zoom format the night before was just poor form. It gave people no opportunity to even learn anything about Zoom prior to the event. I didn’t even open the monthly meeting announcement until the morning of because I had no expectation of change. Tony did mention, in passing, something of a quarterly format going forward but I assumed he was talking about the 90 review of progress. I really regret renewing my membership in February. I also regret how much I have promoted TAC to my friends and family. I will likely continue my membership through the year and hope for a return to a better quality “product” but, my expectations are sadly quite low.
Like you @DocBob, I went back and watched every Acoustic Tuesday episode. I know that there was recent mention about attempting to maximize the youtube search engine analytics by making shorter, more focused episodes (30 minutes), and then even more recent mention of creating ATs that focus on TAC members, since we have been the primary audience.
I do not remember hearing that there would be anything different about the weekly TAC member parties…
I agree with you as well DocBob!
Well I guess it is only going to be a quarterly meeting of some kind going forward.
Acoustic Tuesday has slimmed down considerably as well. The interchange with Levi and Noah has been gone for awhile…..that was entertaining as well.
All the things that made TAC …TAC are being eliminated. I really looked forward to the monthly live meet ups…..AT (Acoustic Tuesday has slimmed dow). The personal touch it had…has changed or is gone…The back and forth in the studio is gone. It’s becoming just another web site. I’m saddened by the changes…I really dug getting to know the different personalities on line within TAC and the TAC staff.
<font face=”inherit”>It made you feel you were part of something special….I really used to brag about this site all the time! People who talked about learning guitar ..I couldn’t </font>shut up telling them how great this site was and many great attributes.
But it appears it’s gone…….So now the question is …do you stick around for just the lesson plans or …..
Good luck everyone
I have been a member since 2014. I have asked many questions and made comments. I get nothing back. I am wondering if something isn’t wrong with Tony. I have cancelled my membership as of mid June. Something is wrong and they are not being up front about it.
I’ve only been a member since 2018 but I’ve reached a similar conclusion. My subscription is over effective tomorrow. I gave it the 4-6 weeks Tony and Levi talked about, but the new TAC, especially the forums, just doesn’t meet my needs anymore.
It is starting to look like the new TAC will be just computers with lessons. Two employees and an IT. Sorry, promised myself I would just walk away, but this is something I have been doing almost daily for 7 years. Hard to let go. Hope you all land softly with a guitar in your lap.
Deleted User
Deleted UserMay 5, 2021 at 1:00 pmHey AttyTJ, we’re now having Quarterly Progress Parties, so our next live Progress Party will be July 7th! 🙂
Thank you @tacsummer. It became clear through parsing what different things were said, but was not clear when I ask the question. I am hopeful that you can see the entire thread, and bring it to the powers in command, as the sentiments have been widely expressed, and Admin really should know about it (and many other threads, I might add). And, for the record, while many mention getting the Monday e-Mail and the Hollar, in my case, Monday’s did not arrive, fwiiw.
It cannot be easy for Tony and the Developers and the Admin to be having all of this happening and the verbal lashings landing on their electronic backs. And the level of interest being expressed about things that are lost is growing, not receding. Tony is incredibly positive, and I think I see his vision for his baby (not Emerson, this one), but many expressions seeking more information and guidance seem to be the major portion of the discussion I see coming at me, and I certainly have nothing to suggest to them. His vision is not clear to many that he assumes hold it, too.
It would help the transparency that has been oft discussed if there were information provided, regularly. I suggest that some time each couple of days devoted to addressing oft stated concerns may work wonders.
But, thanks for at least making clear what was implied but never actually said about the monthly parties, now quarterly progress workshops.
Saddened doesn’t even begin to cover it for me @dr_dave. The “Quarterly Progress Parties” are OK but that’s all…OK. I used to look forward to the monthlies. Then again I used to look forward to lots of the things TAC offered prior to a few months ago. As mentioned in prior posts the site and TAC’s focus has changed. It seems there’s a fair amount of us who recognize that it’s not been a change for the better. I would suggest someone in admin really get involved in this forum and the discussions as it’s taking far too long for responses and for fixes. Of course that may simply be a reflection of that new focus I mentioned.
I know what you mean. The 90-day goal-setting progress parties were my least favorite of the monthly parties. I don’t like goal-setting exercises – it always seems too contrived when I try to do that. Even though I’ve had many opportunities to practice formal goal-setting, I have never enjoyed the process nor felt like it really led to significant personal or professional growth for me. That’s just me. I recognize other people love these exercises and probably those quarterly progress meetings were their favorite part. But for me personally, it’s sad to lose the parts I liked best and keep only the part I liked the least.
For many reasons, TAC’s recent “paradigm shift” really caused a fall-off in my level of participation. Although I still tend to open up in some posts, I spend a lot less time reading or commenting in the forums. I think that may have been an intended outcome of the changes, not directed at any particular person or group but just a general philosophy. Do the daily lesson and get on with your life – don’t loiter here.
I wonder if the shift caused many other members to start using the site more? As @jumpinjeff often points out, the people who actively participated in the forums a few months ago represent only a small slice of the TAC membership. If everyone cut back on site use as much as I have, it has to really leave you scratching your head about the continued “click and wait and wait and wait …” nature of the new site. At my age, I often forget why I clicked something by the time the page refreshes. Since I’m in the “lightning round” of life, it hurts even more to have my time sucked away by cyber lag.
To preface this comment, I will say I’m crabby on this overcast rainy day … That being said, this is just another thing lost during the new website and one that many looked forward to as part of the TAC membership TAC, it really would have been nice had TAC asked for the member’s input prior to just cutting benefits
I completely agree. It doesn’t feel the same, and I am kicking myself for paying for the whole year.
Lest anyone be in further confusion about it, there are no more “Guitar Parties” each month. We now have “Quarterly Progress Workshops,” I guess like the 90 day WOGI workshops that started in 2019, only now, all by themselves.
What a shame that I renewed last week. I did not see that coming. These days I rarely can view the guitar party live and was not interested in the ZOOM at all but did like seeing the party later.
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