Living the Dream!
Every day is a small win in our lives, we are so thankful! Yesterday marked playing session 433 which we got to share with a 14 yr. old grandson… fer the 8th day in a row. He brings what he is learning, (he started lessons 4 or 5 weeks ago), and we r werk-n on our lessons together. Having FUN… FOCUSING… sharing the LOVE…
Saturday, 6 yr. old little sister is begging to play a guitar. We take the GS mini off the wall, set her on a drummer stool, help her git comfortable holding the guitar, pick, etc. 1st time for her to actually set down and WANT to learn and not just make noise, so to speak. Found out she does not like holding a guitar against her body… within about 5 to 10 minutes, on her own, she laid it down flat in her lap and started playing from the low E down to the high E, naming the strings she waz a playing, EADGBE then comes back up EBGDAE. Sunday, she lays it down in her lap, looks at a fretboard note chart on the wall, starts playing notes.
watching them play… well, we can,t keep from grin-n, like a mule eat-n saw briars or the tears of JOY out of me beard!
Folks, that is all part of our dream guitar vision! Family make -N- music together…
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