Tony P. – How I TAC – 4/6/2021
Hey TAC Family!!!
I wanted to show you what my routine looks like 🙂
I’ve outlined it using the questions below:
1.) How many days per week do you play?
In the routine I’ve outlined for myself I’ve committed to 5 days per week (Monday through Friday). I often exceed this and put in time on the weekend which is a fantastic bonus, and when life starts to get busy I know I can consistently get those 5 days per week in no matter what 🙂
2.) What time of day do you play?
I am proud of this one because for the last 90 days it has been ultra consistent… I’m talking swiss watch consistent. I play every night after Emerson goes to sleep, This ends up being between 7pm and 7:15pm (yes, this kid is on a dream sleep schedule at the moment… he’s helping my consistency big time).
3.) Where do you play?
I play in my guitar den. My absolute favorite room of the house. It’s my little inspiration zone and because I’m literally surrounded by all things guitar it helps my focus dramatically.
4.) What was your guitar life like before having a guitar routine & how has implementing a consistent guitar routine helped you? (if possible name 3 ways).
Before I had a routine I struggled with feeling like I wasn’t building any positive momentum. My progress was nearly non-existent because each time I played I felt like I started over again. It was frustrating to feel like I had played for a while, but had nothing to show for it.– Regular and dependable progress has to be my number 1 here. Due to the consistency I feel myself getting better every day, which creates this wonderful momentum that perpetuates my routine.
– Unconscious habit… It has officially happened!!! I never feel like I have to “schedule” my guitar time or wonder when I’ll get it in because I am now programmed to go to my guitar den between 7 and 7:15 every night.
– Focus and fun. Because I am now consistent I have the ability to “zone-in” on the things that I really need work on. This helps me feel confident and accomplished after my playing session, and the progress that results propels the fun. It’s definitely the best possible scenario.
5.) Bonus Question: What is one non-guitar item that is a must have in your guitar routine?
Coffee!!! Yes, it may be 7pm, but a mug of coffee is the fuel that I need. Nothing beats the smell and the ritual of pouring a cup and heading to the guitar room.
I’d love to hear how you TAC!!! Please share by doing the following:
– Copy and paste the questions from this post.
– Start a new post in this forum (not as a reply to this post) and answer these 5 questions
– Include a picture of you in your “guitar playing zone,” be it a specified guitar den, your computer room, front porch, or your kitchen table.
These posts will allow other TAC family members to see different and unique guitar routines that promote fun, focus, and the resulting progress. It very well could help other TAC family folks get some ideas they could incorporate into their routine as well.
Guitar Geeks Unite!!!
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