First TACiversary
I started TAC on Sept 16 2020, can not believe a year has past all ready.
I will keep working with Tony and Tac for another year ,Tony is a great teacher.
The ten minutes a day do’s work ,the last 3 months that’s about all I had time for work has taken a lot of my time soon I will be back on making more time.
I did the 30 days to play next the flat pick and finger pick lessons ,I am working on the strumming now.I see my guitar journey moving forward every month I am getting better some months I have low hill to climb and other high hills, right now , I am on a plain but still moving forward ,soon I will be back on the hills again.
What I like about TAC is Tony takes the time to show you how to play a lesson , he too makes mistakes and he reminds us to take it slow stay focus ,I like the daily lesson and the skill class .
This next year I plan to get my chord changes better, strumming, and study theory a little .
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