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  • Prior month's dailies…

    Posted by the-old-coach on June 27, 2021 at 2:01 pm

    We’re going on vacation- no computer access and no guitar along, and won’t be back till July 4. By then- this next week’s lessons– (Thumpty Dumpty, Octomorphasis, etc)- will be “gone”- in “last month’s” lesson pile.

    Question- is there any way to access these “prior-month’s Daily Lessons” so I can do them- (and also maybe print them out so I’ll have them in case I’m practicing w/o my laptop).

    They used to save them around for awhile before the website changeover- and now I can’t figure out how to get them back.

    Seems silly to not be able to access those one-week-old lessons🤨 just because it’s a new month, when day after tomorrow- on the 29th, I can access four-week-old lessons from the first of June…..

    Anyway- any advice on how- or if- I can access the prior-month’s lessons?

    Thanks- Mark J

    • This discussion was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  the-old-coach.
    Patricia S replied 3 years, 7 months ago 13 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Loraine

    June 27, 2021 at 3:52 pm

    Unfortunately Mark, it isn’t possible to access the prior month’s lessons. I typically save the pdf’s, and I’d be happy to send them to you (you’ll need to remind me). I’ll be able to ‘favorite’ the videos, but I’m not sure I can send them to someone.

    • Cadgirl

      June 28, 2021 at 4:02 am

      @Loraine , I’m just wondering if you could attach the pdf onto a post? I’ve never tried that. But, I have taken a screen capture and attached. Never tried to just attach the pdf (dahhhh). I do wish they would keep the tabs for an extra month thou. There are a lot of people that don’t have easy access to a computer/internet all the time.

      • Loraine

        June 28, 2021 at 6:55 am

        I think that is a possibility

  • Marty73

    June 27, 2021 at 5:01 pm

    Nope, you use to be able to download the lessons on the old TAC web page but not on this one. All you get is the PDF music. 🧐🧙‍♂️😎

  • the-old-coach

    June 27, 2021 at 5:25 pm

    Well, I guess all I really need is the tab/pdf’s. Thank you both for clarifying.

    Loraine, I’ll try to figure out how to send you some kind of message if you are willing to send those 4- (tue, wed, thu, & fri) pdf’s my way somehow once we get back. My computer skills are limited on how that all works, but maybe we can get it done. I can get tomorrow’s before we head out.

    Thank you immensely😃-


    • Cadgirl

      June 28, 2021 at 4:08 am

      you know @Mark , sometimes I need the video too. It never fails, I think I can remember something and when I go back, I’m lost. Some of the challenges are a bit tricky. In those cases, I take out my trusty IPhone and record it. Is it a hassle? yeah, sure it is, but I also can see where the site doesn’t want to just give the videos away. Good luck and start looking for a travel guitar for when you travel 🙂

  • That_Guy

    June 27, 2021 at 6:00 pm

    Pro tip:

    “Favorite” any lessons you wish to retain permanent access to.

    • the-old-coach

      June 27, 2021 at 6:14 pm

      Can I “favorite” lessons that are not yet available? If there’s a way to do that – problem solved! I tried and it wouldn’t let me do it- (it absolutely could have been operator error😜 and I just don’t know how to do that. I’ll try it again).

      Thanks- MJ

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  the-old-coach.
  • the-old-coach

    June 27, 2021 at 6:07 pm

    Maybe a new “wrinkle”—

    It looks like all 4 of the lessons in question are still in the “June Guitar Routine” lessons even though the thurs. and fri. lessons are actually July 1 & 2?

    Maybe it’s a non-issue— depending on exactly when they “chop off” the June Guitar Routine lessons and start July’s. If it’s, say, July 4 Sunday night/midnight– Monday morning, maybe I’m good- we get back the 3rd.

    I guess we’ll see.

    Message to Tony and TAC team– is there any way you folks can consider keeping those “last-month’s” pdf/tabs around- — even for just a short time— to allow access to any of us who don’t want to miss these important lessons? IMHO, in this case I don’t care so much about the videos- (they are “a lot”). Just the pdf/tabs.

    Thanks again- MJ

  • Michael-K73

    June 27, 2021 at 6:26 pm

    TAC should just keep the previous month open. Always have the current and previous available. It would help a lot of people. A bit of a compromise. The “favorite” option just creates an unorganized mess over time.

    <going back into his corner>


    • the-old-coach

      June 27, 2021 at 6:38 pm

      You are right– having that would help a lot- and I don’t really understand why not.


  • Loraine

    June 27, 2021 at 8:11 pm

    Favoriting them only saves the video. The tabs aren’t available under that option. Mark, I’d be happy to send them to you. To send me a message, click on your name (arrow next to it) at the top of the page; then click ‘my messages.’ When it opens, click on create a new message, and then type in my name ‘loraine,’ and click on my name when it shows up. Then type your message and hit send.

  • VictoriaTACTeam

    June 28, 2021 at 7:42 am

    Hey TAC Family! Hope everyone’s week is off to a great start!

    I wanted to clarify that when you are working on your Favorites, you actually can access and print out the TABs. We are aware that it’s not visible, but if you hover your mouse over the area to the right of the heart icon, (see my scribble-scrabble circle on the screenshot ), you’ll find that you can click and bring up the TAB to view and/or print out. This example is a Wednesday Improv, so you also have the Backing Track available to the right of the TAB.

    We have this in place to be resolved so that these will be visible going forward, but just to let you know that they are there for you – for working on your Favorites.

    Happy Monday!


    • Bill_Brown

      June 28, 2021 at 10:50 am


    • dr_dave

      June 28, 2021 at 5:02 pm

      I’m glad you checked in with us, @VictoriaTACTeam . But is it really such a hard thing to grant us access to the prior month’s lessons? Is there no interest at all in solving problems and shortcomings with this new site? Anyone who has a commitment at the end of the month potentially will miss a chance at completing the lessons. Many people take a lot of pride in completing every lesson and believe that’s the way they get the most benefit from the program, but then they go away at the end of the month and bam! – it all gets disrupted. I’m disappointed that this has not been fixed yet.

    • the-old-coach

      July 5, 2021 at 6:13 pm

      Victoria- Thanks– this is a great tip!

      I really hope there is a way- and a want- to fix the accessing of prior-months lessons. The help and tips about “favoritizing” the daily lessons are great, and appreciated for sure, but are maybe missing the mark of my original post, which was more along the lines of how to “back-access” lessons from, say, the month prior.

      Seems to me to be two different things entirely.

      For me, all I really need is the tabs.

      I do faithfully watch both the “learn” and “play” videos for each lesson- and use them to get a handle on the lesson itself, but really don’t need to necessarily save them- but if I DO think I’ll need the video again, I “favoritize” it for sure.

      I guess the original intent was to be able to access Daily Lessons that I had missed- ones from the prior “month”- (that now disappear when the first-week-of-the-month’s “cycle” of 5 lessons begins).

      Favoritizing doesn’t apply to this issue because to favoritize a lesson, I would be- (or already would have been)- looking at it.

      And you can’t favoritize a lesson “ahead of time” because you can’t access it.

      So maybe- (as I’m rambling on)-…… either…… having “back-access” to prior-month’s lessons a person has missed…… OR…….. being able to access a lesson- (like normal)- ahead of time- (say, if you had something planned and knew what days you were going to miss– would both work.

      And all of this is only a problem at the changing of the month.

      To me, the Daily Lessons are the backbone of TAC– (and I really LOVE them!)- and not having a way to get to them, for whatever reason, just seems wrong.

      Like a broken record- I hope you all can find it in your hearts to get this fixed.🙂

      Sincerely- Mark

  • PMAC

    June 28, 2021 at 5:21 pm

    If I had known that missed lessons would not be available after a given period of time, I would not have signed up for this course. I may work 14 hours a day for a week and then be off a week. I am able to catch up on lesson on my days off but if people can’t access lesson from past weeks or months you should clearly state that before you take people’s money. I know of no other guitar course that does this. While I understand the purpose is to motivate people to play daily, sometimes you get sick for a week, are on vacation or have work obligations. This needs to be fixed!!!!

  • N-lightMike

    June 28, 2021 at 5:42 pm

    Hi @Mark

    Here’s the scoops. First, as @VictoriaTACTeam has pointed out, when you favorite a lesson, you will still have the ability to open and/or download the tab. But second, you will be able to favorite the last week’s lessons when you get back on the 3rd. The lessons always are grouped in five day units. Since the five day cycle is never broken, each month is exactly 20 lessons or 25 lessons rather than strictly following the calendar. So July’s lessons won’t start until Monday the 5th. That means you will be able to access June’s lessons until midnight on Sunday the 4th.

    MG 😀

  • the-old-coach

    July 5, 2021 at 11:00 am

    Thanks to all who have posted on this thread! This particular case of mine has been fixed- (and I am indeed VERY appreciative of the great person who made that happen).

    Back to the main issue- (remember that I am NO computer expert)…. But, just why, really, can’t the past-month’s lessons be saved somewhere in TAC so that members can access them if they are gone/sick/forgetful/whatever- at the end of any given month?

    As I mentioned earlier- Why is is that- at the end of the month- I can access, say, a 4-week-old lessons……… but at the first of the month, I canNOT access, say, 4-day-old lessons?

    Please, please Tony and TAC team, try and fix this-

    Humbled thanks– Mark

  • Crabby

    July 5, 2021 at 12:24 pm


    Some of this may have already been mentioned but here is what works for me.

    You can Favorite a lesson, click the little hear icon just below the video. It is in light gray so it can be easy to miss. The lesson then continues to show up as a “Favorite” under the drop down menu next to your profile photo in the upper right.

    This saves the video only. You have to save the tab separately. You can open the tab for a lesson by licking the little staff icon (also in light gray) next to the heart icon. Now to save the tab you need to download it to your computer. In firefox in the upper right there is a folder icon with an arrow on it. Other browsers will have a way to download it or open in in Adobe PDF reader.


    For lessons that are already gone go to history menu (may have a different name or might be in setting for other browsers) and look for pages you opened last month. Open one the tax ones and you may find last months lessons there. If not try another page in the history file.

  • Patricia S

    July 6, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    I’m adding my voice to urge access to the past 20-day lessons.

    I admit I knew better last week when I was unable to have practice time that I should have favorited the lessons so I could watch the videos this week. I did have the forethought to open and print the tabs but forgot that one detail to press the little heart button to save the videos. Dang!

    If anyone needs last week’s tabs, I’m happy to scan and send mine.

    If anyone has last week’s videos and could share those (could perhaps use the handy free file transfer service called we transfer.com for ease of sending large files), I would be grateful!

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