TAC Family Forums

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  • TACiversary #2 Today!

    Posted by Ted_D on April 27, 2022 at 1:42 pm

    2020 seems so long ago, then again not so long ago. Since Covid forced us all into lockdown then, I as probably most folks find time skewed a bit. What’s certain though is my relationship to my guitar has improved immensely over these two years. Prior to joining TAC I had fiddled around with guitar, never committing to actually learning to play properly, never really having the curiosity one needs to take a journey down a new road.

    Now, thanks to Tony and the TAC family I have made a concerted effort to actually play guitar and call myself a guitar player. I have to stop there and say I still have a long way to go, but I have accomplished alot over these two years including 566 playing sessions; I’ve taken 13 skills courses and at any given time am retaking a course. I’m retaking the 12 Bar Blues 5 Day Challenge with the intent of mastering “Hammer the Hurt” which has been a bit elusive for me. Blues are my passion and I really want to be able to play acoustic blues well enough that I’m comfortable calling myself a guitar player. I’ve also taken Fretboard Wizard 3 times, and need a 4th.

    We’ve all had our focus on TAC and many like myself have encountered interruptions, e.g., work. During lockdown not so much an issue, now in 2022 a challenge finding the time I need. I have set my goals and follow them, I have intention, but I believe I need to commit more time to playing and that’s something I’m working on. As well I need to ensure my time is used effectively.

    I set my current 90 day goal earlier this month and really need to focus on that, which includes really learning two songs (Norwegian Wood and The Waiting) all the way through. For me I also find playing guitar good therapy. I am fortunate as one of my neighbors is a good guitar player and we get together on occasion to jam, but this is where learning some songs is important.

    So here I am heading into TAC year #3, feeling confident that I can make strides with a focus on committment and achieve the goals I’ve set this time. Lastly, in 2020 I participated in the forums more, and need to do better at that than I have been over the past year. I look forward to a great year here at TAC!

    Ted_D replied 2 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Guitargeezer-Jack

    April 27, 2022 at 3:38 pm

    Wow @Ted_D you are dedicated to being a “guitar player” with all the repeats, especially multiple run throughs the Fretboard Wizard. Soon reaching 600 TAC play sessions is also a notable feat. Have an equally successful third year!

  • Loraine

    April 27, 2022 at 6:55 pm

    Congratulations on your 2nd TACiversary @Ted_D ! It sounds like you’ve made good use of your time and are dedicated to becoming a better player. May you continue to grow into the blues player you aspire to be.

    • Ted_D

      April 28, 2022 at 2:56 pm

      @Loraine , thanks so much for your words of encouragement!

  • Bill_Brown

    April 28, 2022 at 3:49 pm

    Happy 2nd TACiversary 🎂 @Ted_D 👏👏👏 I wish you much success with your short term (90 day) goals and may you continue to journey well🎼🤩🎼

  • Marty73

    April 28, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    Happy 2nd TACiversary @Ted_D Here is to many more… 🍸🍸🍸😎

    • Ted_D

      April 29, 2022 at 4:24 pm

      @Marty69 Most definitely!

  • jumpinjeff

    April 28, 2022 at 6:34 pm

    Congratulations on 2 yrs @Ted_D , you control your destiny. Carve out your time if you can or recognize how your time is being better spent elsewhere and revel in the value of your effort whether here or elsewhere. As you rightly noted focus is the all important component. Focus playing>Forums=progress. Both important but for progressing as a player one carries more weight. Norwegian Wood, what a great song. Pitter Patter, lets get at ‘er.

    • Ted_D

      April 29, 2022 at 4:25 pm

      @jumpinjeff I appreciate the encouragement!

  • albert_d

    April 30, 2022 at 6:24 am

    We rejoice with you on not just having a TACiversary (that’s endurance truly) but in the accomplishment brought about by consistency. I am envious @Ted_D that you have a neighbor with whom to play. Sharing music is fulfilling.

    • Ted_D

      May 2, 2022 at 2:46 pm

      Many thanks @albert_d. It was actually a stroke of luck. The neighbor and I had never discussed guitars before. They invited us over for a drink around the holidays and guitars came up in a conversation. Before I could say anything, my wife said oh Ted is learning the play the guitar. In a moment I was invited into the front room where another guy was playing. The neighbor handed me an old Yamaha and the jamming began. We’ve played a couple of times and need to try and get a routine down and play more, it’s a start.

  • Moonhare

    May 10, 2022 at 1:17 am

    Another lockdown silver lining. Congratulations! There is a strange osmosis that occurs when really allowing TAC to auto pilot your playing and you suddenly realise that something way beyond you a year ago is straight there under your fingers. Many of us share that experience of years of dabbling and no progress. Finally we’ve found our guitar home. Enjoy year 3. Darren 🤟😎🎸

    • Ted_D

      May 10, 2022 at 2:52 pm

      Thanks so much Darren, this is so true! You really have to put it into perspective and recognize how a consistent routine moves you along the guitar journey.

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