TAC Family Forums

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  • TACiversary

    Posted by Al.E on April 10, 2022 at 2:24 pm

    It’s my 2nd TACaversity. 700 playing sessions and my current streak is 207. I’m still in the Tony Polecastro rabbit hole as I like to say. While reflecting on the past year, I’m impressed with my progress and my drive to play. Most things I’ve said to my self when I started, the fear of failure and excuses that I built around playing. Were just that, in my head. I can now reach with my picky and actually play the note correctly. I swore up and down I would never make the reach with my ageing hands. Wrong! I swore I would never be able to make bar chords, Wrong again. I was not able to connect and move on beyond the daily challenge. Well, I was way off in my assessment of my ability to play. I found that following and trusting the process was well worth every second/Hour I sit to build my skill sets. Somewhere along the way last year I started a routine, I really find works for me. Each day I print the challenge. (Old School) and just after my finger warmups. I play the challenges a few times each before moving on to the new Challenge. By weeks end I feel pretty confident with my playing. I found it hard to switch from fingerstyle to flatpicking. So, I started looking for related challenges to start to string them together. When I’m on a roll I really don’t want to switch. I Complete the day’s challenge. Should it be finger style, I save it and usually I will transition over for a week or two then back. I’m learning to read the music and have about a dozen songs I’m working on. I have been revisiting the skills course and seeing them in a new light.

    I need to work on my strumming, transitions timing and cadence. I now practice with a metronome something I challenged myself last year. My short-term goal cleans up my bad habits before they become major issues lager on.

    I am extremely happy with my decision to join and stay part or the TAC Family. I know, I would not be this far along if I did not follow this process. But to be honest I like having FUN and this community is just a fun way to learn the acoustic guitar and see progress and feel success in myself and within other Community members.

    There have been a lot of changes over the 2
    years with TAC. They are well produced in quality, Full of knowledge, and has
    been very entertaining. Fantastic job! You should be proud, I am! Last thing, I’m now down 85lbs! Should call it
    the TAC Guitar diet. LOL (small win)

    Moonhare replied 2 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Loraine

    April 10, 2022 at 5:15 pm

    @Al.E Congratulations on your 2nd TACiversary! Sounds as if things are working well for you, with your routine, and you’ve come fairly far in a short amount of time. It’s been nice getting to know you a little through your posts. May you have continued fun and success this year!

    • Al.E

      April 14, 2022 at 5:39 pm

      Thanks Lorain. I follow your progress as well You seem to be totally enjoying the journey. Maybe if your up to meeting somewhere we can try playing together. I believe you live pretty close. I remember another fella who was in Ottsville as well but can’t remember who exactly. let me know.

      • Loraine

        April 15, 2022 at 1:16 pm

        I’d love to get together sometime. I truly believe I’m still pretty green under the belt, but I’d love to play and learn with others. Private message me whenever.

  • Cadgirl

    April 14, 2022 at 6:09 am

    first off @Al.E, losing 85lbs is much more than a small win! Sounds like you are doing great with what you have done in the past 2 years and now.. onward to our 3rd year.

    • Al.E

      April 14, 2022 at 5:42 pm

      Thanks For me 85 is not quite there yet but I keep trying. The Guitar is great medicine.

  • Marty73

    April 14, 2022 at 9:06 am

    Happy 2nd TACaversity @Al.E All I can say is it gets better! Play on!!! 😊🧙‍♂️😎

    • Al.E

      April 14, 2022 at 5:39 pm


  • Bill_Brown

    April 14, 2022 at 9:45 am

    Happy 2nd TACiversary @Al.E 👏🎂👏 I wish you many more👍👍

    • Al.E

      April 14, 2022 at 5:39 pm


  • Guitargeezer-Jack

    April 14, 2022 at 11:24 am

    Really appreciate your 2-year TACiversary musings @Al.E

    Do wish you continued progress and success for your very best acoustic life this TAC year.

    Just like you I thought my aged fingers could not stretch or barre the frets but as I just passed my 1st TACiversary, I too, have started to make it happen. Like you, I prefer being “old school” visual learner (print the daily tabs) so I can write notes to myself. I do like how you repeat each of the current week’s challenges as you progress through the week. I will try that as I had been just doing each on the day then moving on to the next without a thought of making them an ongoing process. I have noticed there is a cycle of sorts in the weekly challenges and found my second time around doing them easier. I am a repetitive learner for sure.

    Huge win regarding your weight reduction too! Congratulations!

  • jumpinjeff

    April 14, 2022 at 5:11 pm

    @Al.E , Happy TACiversary! I love when you talked about overcoming your self limiting beliefs. They held me down longer than my first year, I don’t think I fully believed I could do anything on guitar until well past my 3rd TACiversary. Focusing on the fun of the process is such an amazing an powerful tool. It really is a short cut to faster progress. Thanks for reminding me of the things I sometimes overlook these days. They are the roots and the core of my guitar playing practices.

    TAC guitar diet. Very Old School : ) Congrats.

  • Al.E

    April 14, 2022 at 5:33 pm

    Thanks Jack. I’m really enjoying my journey! As long as its Fun and it keeps my hands and brain working I’m all in.

  • Al.E

    April 14, 2022 at 5:34 pm

    Thanks Jeff.

  • Moonhare

    April 22, 2022 at 1:48 pm

    Great stuff. Like so many of us you get out what you put in and it sounds like things have worked out well for you. I hope that the coming year you get to carry on making the improvements you hope to. Keep on rockin! 🤟😎🎸

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