Tribute to a dying friend
Today was a huge milestone for me. For those that haven’t seen my 30 Day Challenge video (it was also featured on ep 193 of Acoustic Tuesday) I finally decided to stop dabbling after 41 years when I wrote and recorded a piece of music in February this year for my dear biker friend Kevin ‘Chewy’ Hall. He was seriously ill with cancer and passed away just a few weeks later but he loved the track. It ended up being played at his funeral but I regretted not being able to play the guitars on it (I did everything on a keyboard using sampled guitars – I know, disgusting practice!).
Today I found myself practicing one this week’s daily challenges in Drop D and decided I would attempt to play the rhythm acoustic guitars along to the video of Chewy’s track and was utterly shocked to find I could play the whole song! So I set the cameras running and this was my second take. I am not afraid to admit I have a tear in my eye now. Thank you Tony and thank you all of you who have been so very supportive in my first few months here. You cannot know what an impact your encouragement has made on my life right now.
NEXT GOAL – learn to play the solos!
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